23:30 Готовимся к устной части ЕГЭ | |
Примерное описание фотографии (ЕГЭ, задание 3, 4) по опциям ниже:
Предположим вы выбрали эту фотографию из трех предложенных (фото взята с сайта ФИПИ). Помните, что говорить нужно не делая паузы (You have to talk continuously) и не более 2 минут (not more than 2 minutes)
Hello, how are things? (вступление, вопрос «как дела?» является общепринятым при встрече) Look here, I would like you to have a look at this photo. (эти слова уместны, если вы говорите с экзаменатором-собеседником) Введение: (0) Well, I have chosen to show you photo number 2.(Это ваша первая фраза. Она нужна для экзаменатора). Look at this photo. ( Так нужно начать, если вы сдаете экзамен в компьютеризированной форме, без участия экзаменатора-собеседника.) (1) I took it a month ago when I was going on excusion with my classmates. I remember that day very well. (2) In this photo you can see our bus driver. As you see, he looks very friendly. We have made friends with him. (3) We were going to the State Darwin Museum and on the way he told us a lot of facts about wild life. By the way, he is from the northen part of Russia. (4) Well, at that time I was doing a projet on my future profession. That is why I took the photo. I have already had a lot of pictures of different people. And, you know, when I was a boy, I wanted to be a driver, too. So, I decided that it was not a bad idea to use this photo in my project. (5) The job of a driver seems to me rather boring now but I would like to show the photo to you as he is very well-read and interesting person. Besides, I believe he likes his job. You know, there is a saying «Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life». (в заключение, вы приводите известное изречение китайского философа Конфуция). (6) That’s all I wanted to say. (заключительная фраза) Всего 12-15 фраз. В приведенном выше описании фраз больше, но не надо зацикливаться на количестве фраз. Просто надо уложиться в 2 минуты. Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.
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Переходим к заданию 4 (ЕГЭ устная часть)Примерное сравнение фотографий (ЕГЭ, задание 4) по опциям ниже:
Вот 2 фотографии, взятые с сайта ФИПИ: Теперь давайте сравним эти две фотографии и разберем типичные ошибки и как их избежать: Well, both pictures show an animal, the bear. I would like to start with the first picture that shows a big polar bear in the zoo. The bear is sitting on a stone with its paws up. It is not looking at people, it looks aside and it seems that it is tired of so much attention. A lot of people have gathered near the open-air cage, taking pictures. As the people are wearing warm coats and caps, it is probably late autumn. The colours in this picture are grey and dark. (Это описание нужно ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО сократить, оно ИЗБЫТОЧНОЕ.) As for the second picture, it also shows a bear, but it is the brown bear. It is completely different from the first one as it shows the bear in the wild. In contrast to the first picture, the second one is full of bright colours: yellow flowers, green grass. It shows a summer day. The bear is busy, it is carring a log. I like this picture more and not only because I like summer but also because I believe that keeping wild animals in the zoo is inhuman. Although some people say that it is necessary for some educational purposes, to say nothing of entertaiment. All in all, both these pictures make me think of the wildlife. And I am sure that wild animals should live free in their natural habitat because they are part of nature. Казалось, бы нормальное описание, но у нас есть ШАБЛОН, куда же без него… В качестве практической подготовки к ЕГЭ, давайте изменим это описание так, чтобы оно соответствовало шаблону. ПРОЧИТАТЬ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!
Так как устная часть ЕГЭ впервые введена в 2015 году, а экзамен First Certificate in English (FCE) уже давно имеет подобного рода задания, читайте еще —> Как сравнить две фотографии на английском языке (по правилам FCE)
Аналогичные задание присутствуют и в IELTS —> Описание фотографий (пример, IELTS) Вот критерии оценивания вашего ответа: Удачи на экзамене! | |
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